VAN has upwards of 40 canvass result codes, but many overlap or have similar meanings, and can be confusing for volunteers. To that end, we strongly recommend limiting the list of available codes to those in the table below.
Canvass Result | Meaning |
Canvassed | The person on the list was successfully reached and you collected at least one survey response or piece of information from them before the call ended. |
Deceased | The person has passed away. DC does not stand for Declined or Disconnected. If you ever see it marked more than once on a single call sheet, check with the person who made the calls – this response is rare, and entering questionable deceased responses should be avoided. |
Deliverability Error | The call could not be completed because of a carrier error, rather than the phone number being disconnected. This result should only be used by staff uploading dialer results to VAN either manually (via Bulk Upload) or via API. This canvass result will not be available on scripts (since a volunteer cannot tell on the phone the difference between a disconnect and a carrier error). It will only be available via bulk upload and API. |
Disconnected | If the number is disconnected or not in service. This result will permanently suppress the preferred phone number, so should be used with caution (e.g., not applied as a result of a busy signal) |
Do Not Text | VAN is currently working on new functionality for the 2022 cycle that will make it so that applying this canvass result will opt out the phone number the result is applied to (and update the SMS Opt In/Out field). As of August 2021, this feature has not yet been released, but is actively being worked on; your party committee will notify you once it is live. |
Inaccessible | If you were physically unable to reach the door due to factors out of your control – for example, the door was in a gated community. |
Language Barrier | The conversation could not be completed because of a language barrier between the volunteer and the person who picked up the phone. When this call ends, please mark the person with the appropriate language activist code (e.g. Language: Spanish). If the AC is not available, write a note in the following format: “Language: Spanish” |
Left Message | The call went to voicemail and the volunteer left a message for the voter. |
Moved | The person no longer resides at the listed address. This disposition will mark the primary/voting address as bad (Bad Voting Address under Suppressions). If a new address is collected and a survey question is answered, please do not mark Moved. Enter a new address instead and mark the appropriate survey questions. |
Not Home | The person on the list was not home; the volunteer did not speak on the phone or there was no answer. |
Refused | The person on your list refuses to answer your questions. Do not mark this if someone else says the person refuses, if you do not identify who picked up the phone, or if someone hangs up without answering. Do not mark this if the person says no to a volunteer ask. Saying no to volunteering should be marked by a "Volunteer: No" survey response. |
Threatened | Someone at this phone number or door threatened staff or volunteers when we attempted it. |
Wrong Number | A person picks up the phone or answers the text and says the person on the list no longer has that number. This result will permanently suppress the preferred phone number, so should be applied with caution. E.g., when texting, Wrong Number should only be applied when the message included the person on the list’s name. |